
Stuff I build.

divemusic | Local Hack Day - CU Boulder

October 2015 | toolstack: MongoDB, Express, Node.js, Angular, D3.js

Divemusic is a tool for people to explore the trending, popular music from everywhere around the world.

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Twitterstream | Big Data - Atlas Expo 2015

Jan 2015 - May 2015 | toolstack: MongoDB, AmazonSQS, Express, Node.js, Angular, D3.js

Twitterstream is a searchable heatmap that collects and analyzes the sentiment of tweets in the United States.

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word clock | led word clock controlled by arduino

Jan 2015 - May 2015 | toolstack: Arduino

Currently in progress!

view on GitHub | personal portfolio/blog site

Dec 2014 - Present | toolstack: HTML, SASS, JS, Jekyll, Markdown

Well, er, look around!

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myCUplanner | online planner for Computer Science students

March 2014 - May 2014 | toolstack: Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL, heroku, Pivotal Tracker

Project for Software Methods Engineering and Tools course, Spring 2014. A web application that will be deployed to heroku to help computer science students at CU Boulder schedule their upcoming courses. Note: The app deployed on heroku may not be the same as the source code seen here (i.e. it was not pushed recently to heroku).

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Lock-activated power-strip | Freshman Projects

Spring 2013 | toolstack: Arduino, SolidWorks

Designed a power strip that would turn off through an rf signal if a lock was turned . Through the efforts of our team we were able to code, design, and implement this system from scratch successfully. We later presented this system at the Engineering Design Expo at the University of Colorado Boulder.

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